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Giant Holiday Decorated Fortune Cookie with holiday fortune: I think I saw this idea while working in China I don't remember, but either way these are some of the coolest cookies you'll find. It's very unique and different and that's why I like it.

We will list out some wonderful gift ideas that are perfect gifts to give during the holidays, teacher appreciation week or as an end of year Teacher Gift.

Teachers are heroes, if you ask me. Not every teacher is extraordinary, but most of them are worth more than their weight in gold. If teachers in the western world work for one dollar today, their counterparts who taught many of us in Africa in the 1960s, 1970s and perhaps 1980s, worked for pennies.

Gift for Teacher Another great idea includes giving your parents a night out on the town. You could give your parents tickets to a musical. Along with the musical tickets add a restaurant gift card so that the two of them can enjoy a nice meal beforehand.

"Teacher appreciation is a very important way for us to recognize their efforts. We should always remember that without them there will be no professionals, no architects, lawyers, doctors, engineers, priest, nuns, and all other professions," according to a blogger named Scopionmagnet.

Thank You Teacher Gift Gift Certificate for Relaxation. Many teachers are often overloaded with work, yet they love their jobs. They typically take on extra assignments such as after school clubs in their field of expertise. Some are also coaches at their schools. Many are also active volunteers with children. Giving a relaxation gift certificate, such as a massage or a facial could be a welcome treat. Many spas even cater to men now, so this could be a great gift for a man as well.

If you like to cook you might could make homemade goodies and give as gifts. If you have a craft that you are good at then that might be an alternative for you as well. Many people prefer homemade gifts because they feel like there was a lot of thought and love that went into making them.

Teaching Supplies Store Gift Certificate. Some parents may not realize it, but often teachers buy so many of their own teaching supplies. This can include resource books for the classroom, art supplies, science projects and lots of other items. Many teachers supply the little "extras" that our children enjoy that we simply don't think about. Giving a teacher a gift certificate to a teaching supply store, or even a large office supply store such as Office Max or Staples, can be a real treasure. This will help your child's teacher stretch her budget for resources for Inexpensive Teacher Gift Ideas the coming year. If you aren't sure what teaching supply store she likes, ask one of her teaching colleagues and they will be sure to know.

Little Things: Things like statement magnets, keyrings, and t-shirts are a clear way of showing any teacher that they are respected and loved. A statement like "no.1 teacher" on a broach or hat have been known to bring teachers to some eyes.

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